There is an old adage that with age comes wisdom—but that may be one of the few perks of old age. Achy joints, problems with vision, and the common symptoms of diminishing hormone levels are all among the not-so-pleasant aspects of aging. Reduced hormone generation has many negative impacts on health, including trouble sustaining a healthy weight and reduced overall performance of the body’s systems. In fact, according to Dr. Roger Garcia, medical director of BodyLogicMD of Columbus, OH, and author of Aged to Perfection: Anti-Aging, Wellness, & Weight Loss With Natural Hormones, hormonal imbalance may be the main reason why weight loss efforts disappoint as people age—and why getting more exercise and eating well are not always enough to shed pounds. However, there are ways to safely and more efficiently replenish the hormones the body requires for weight control and overall healthy functioning. Read more…
"At the age of 44, I was tired of feeling tired. I couldn't sleep through the night, waking up with night sweats and just not able to shut off my brain. During the day, I had zero energy. The 3 pm slump would hit me like a ton of bricks every day - regardless of how well I slept the night before. My libido was pretty much zilch, and I had been severely moody. Worst of all (but don't tell my husband the non-existant libido wasn't the worst), I wasn't able to lose weight to save my life. After hearing about BodyLogicMD,...Read More
As the days grow shorter and temperatures drop, many people experience a noticeable change in their mood and energy levels. For some, the darker months bring a sense of melancholy, […]
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